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Australia’s Dog Whisperer

Isn’t it funny how certain terms like Dog Whisperer catch on. It started with Cesar Millan doing his TV show and love him or not people know who he is.  Now he is not what this post is about but the term that people like to use.

Now lets think about a dog that is so distracted from their owner but so focused on the world around them. You could be standing there but your dog and they are at the end of the lead with their nose up, eyes forward trying to take in as much of the world around them. They want to go over to every single tree or grass patch, when they see dogs they get so excited its really getting so hard to walk them. Im sure you know this kind of dog lol.  You want to take them for just an easy walk but they have no plans on giving you any attention or even listen to what you have to say.

These are the kinds of dogs we get called in to work with. So this is how is generally goes when we get to meet,  after some hellos and getting to know you and your dog we start to show you a few things on how we work with the dog and you start to notice how the dogs begin to respond in a way that is more focused on us especially if we find their thing.. the thing that we use to create the ignition, the interest the desire to work for us. They begin to focus and then calm making the interaction of a well behaved dog.  Sure enough thats when we hear those little words “WOW you are the Dog Whisperer” now i know Australian’s like to joke and play around so its pretty cool and funny and we all have a laugh. I know what they are thinking though when they say things like that. It looks like it does not take a lot of effort to get results.

I do want to share with you something else about this,  when i ask you what a Whisper is or why people would say Whisperer what does it make you think about? To me i start to think there is less talking, a quieter moment and interaction. This is exactly whats going on with the interactions between the dog and myself so it looks easy to the outside eyes.

Below im going to give you some key points i like to use and you can start to use them too.

How to Become Your Own Dog Whisperer (Tongue in Cheek)

  1. Less Talking – Put a sock in your mouth or a gummy bear
  2. Find what ignites your dog – So make a list and these could be, Food, Toys, Pats. Use one such as food and create engagement over a few days. Below is your start to using what they want to create engagement.


  3. Get a proper lead with NO Stretchy Material in it. Now use it in the way that will create a calm relaxed walk. (Our Trainers Can Help You With This)
  4. Remember STOP Talking and petting your dog so much but pat them when they do something you love such as jump onto their bed, or sit calmly, look into your eye. DO NOT  pat when they are being crazy. If you pat when they are hyper or anxious you are saying to them its ok do more of it!
  5. learn to lead instead of being a BOSS..

It does take some practice so keep at it and your dog will be better behaved, better trained and you are going to get called the Dog Whisperer by your friends too hahah.

If you are having issues with your dog get in touch with us and see if you are a good fit. We wont take on anyone that isn’t serious about helping themselves and their dog for the better.

You can also see our facebook page www.facebook.com/caninerevolution

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